SECAP Preparation Works Started in Çine!

Within the scope of Çine Municipality's We Join Forces for a Green Future Project, SECAP -Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan preparation, which is one of the most important steps in the fight against climate change, started in January.


In the SECAP process, which started by receiving consultancy services from DE Demir Energy, headquartered in Istanbul, an online meeting was held on 10.01.2024 between the project team and municipal staff and DE Demir Energy experts. Founding Partner Caner Demir, project experts Dilan Cengiz, Melda Karademir and İrem Orman from DE Demir Energy experts attended the meeting and gave information about SECAP, and it was decided to form core teams in the municipality to collect data that will form the basis for the project team and studies.

At the Turkey Opening Meeting held by Çine Municipality with project partners on 17.01.2024, Founding Partner Caner Demir and Dilan Cengiz from DE Demir Energy Company participated and informed 155 people from all walks of life about what climate change is, the fight against climate change, the importance of SECAP in this fight, and SECAP promotion.


As of 09.02.2024, SECAP Greenhouse Gas Inventory Preparation Training was given online to the project team and the core staff municipal staff who will collect data, and necessary information about SECAP Steps, Secap Road Map was given. Dilan Cengiz and Melda Karademir from DE Demir Energy experts made presentations and proceeded in the form of question and answer. Correspondence for data collection has been given statrt as of 12.02.2024. The Secap Preparation process, which started in January, will take 9 months and will be completed in September.

