Robert Vodopić and Eva Sobotik-Pavan representing the city of Karlovac organized a coordination meeting with interested partners on 19.02.24 with the aim of reaching an agreement on marking 21.03.24 World Forest Day in Karlovac in the premises of the School of Natural Sciences in Karlovac.
In addition to representatives of the city of Karlovac, the director of the School of Natural Sciences in Karlovac, Mr. Nenad Klasan, Mrs. Gordana Purgar in front of the city company Zelenilo d.o.o. and Mrs. Dorica Matešić as the president of the Croatian Forest Society Karlovac branch, participated in the meeting.
Mr. Vodopić and Mrs. Sobotik-Pavan introduced the meeting participants to the "We join forces for the green future project" project of the Networking of Cities Program between Turkey and the EU countries, which is currently being implemented in cooperation with the city of Çine in Turkey and Tauragės in Lithuania, giving away several brochures of the project in Croatian that will be distributed among the partners. As part of the implementation of the project, one of the activities that we undertook is to carry out is the celebration of 21.03 with all the cities that are partners in the project, but also the need to establish a network with stakeholders in these cities in order to achieve a better and broader effect and increase the visibility of the implemented actions and the project itself.
All participants of the meeting confirmed the cooperation and joint celebration of World Forest Day and agreed on regular mutual coordination for the preparation and realization of joint activities on 21.03.24. The details of the activities and the role of each partner will be further defined in the following weeks.
The Polytechnic in Karlovo plans to organize an appropriate exhibition in the atrium of the institution.
#IntlForestDay and #ForestDay
Prepared by: Eva Sobotik-Pavan. Karlovac 19.02.24.
Pictures of the meeting on February 19, 2024.